The Tennis group was one of the original sports groups when BLAGSS began in 1997. It is a successful and friendly group who play on Wednesdays Fridays and Sundays at Hove Park.
We love tennis and love having fun and socialising. New members are always welcome.
The group has players of varying standards but a minimum basic standard is required and beginners generally start with the tennis Virgins group.
Where We Play
We play three times a week throughout the year - every Wednesday and Friday at 11am to 1pm (court 5) and Sunday (Courts 3, 4 & 5) from 11 a.m. until 1.00 p.m. ( weather permitting) on the outdoor courts at Hove Park Tennis Alliance, Hove Park.
How We Play
We have an active Whatsapp group and organise short sets of doubles and some singles. People are mixed around so everyone gets to play with new partners and opponents. That way everyone gets variety, the chance to play against others of the same standard lesser or higher. New members turning up on Sundays will be mixed in and made to feel welcome.
What It Costs
Blagss Tennis is a separate club within the umbrella of the Hove Park Tennis Alliance (HPTA) and we operate within this under our own HPTA Blagss Membership**. Annual membership £85. Which also gives you access to pre book courts on line for FREE outside of our Wednesday Friday and Sunday sessions.
As we supply balls there is a nominal charge every time you play of 50p.
To play regularly with our group you also need to be a BLAGSS Member (£15 pa). General visitors will pay £3.00. New members turning up will not be charged for their first visit.
Tennis Intermediate Coaching
Coaching sessions take place at the University courts at FALMER. Access via Mill St, Falmer BN1 9PE. Continue along Mill St and turn left into Ridge Road, car park is 100m on left hand side opposite ‘the old police station’.
The session will be coached by Keelan Oakley who will organise the 1.5 hour session via the Coaching Whats App group.
The cost of each session is £10 which is payable to Keelan on the day. If the session is cancelled for reasons including weather or coach availability an alternative date will be arranged.
Contact Peter Revell on 07842 208473 to join the Coaching Whats App group which will provide notifications of the next coaching session plus updates including on the weather if changes are required, car sharing/other.