Table Tennis

Our table tennis season has now ended and will resume on 1st October 2025. It will run fortnightly at King Alfred Leisure Centre from 7-8.30pm on Wednesday evenings.  You might also want to look into sessions offered at the following clubs, as well as the Council’s leisure centres:

Worthing TTC  Brighton TTC 


Where we play

The sessions will take place at King Alfred Leisure Centre, Hove fortnightly on Wednesdays from 7-8.30pm starting in October 2025. 

How we play

We are allocated half the large sports hall where 4 tables are set up for us. Depending on numbers we generally play doubles but there is sometimes an opportunity to play singles aswell. There is a range of experience in the group and we encourage people to play with a mix of partners.

What it costs

Cost will be updated before October 2025. Payment is made online when booking a place. There are no refunds though cancellations can be advertised through the table tennis WhatsApp group.