Tenpin Bowling

We're a group who meet fortnightly for bowling and socialising.  Typically 6 to 12 of us turn up for the sessions,

The emphasis is on social rather than competitive sport and we often have a drink afterwards to chat about anything and everything. Food and drink is available during the games.

No previous experience is necessary and we're here to help beginners. No equipment is needed as all is included in the fee. You may wear your own shoes but not recommended are heels or boots.

You don't need to be super fit, although anyone with back problems or joint problems like tennis elbow should seek advice from their GP first.

Where we play

We play at the Hollywood Bowl at Brighton Marina every two weeks on Thursdays at 7.15pm for a 7.30 start.

Often some of us meet for a meal at 6.30, currently Piazza Express in the marina


How We Play

Typically 6 to 12 of us turn up for the sessions, playing two games.

The emphasis is on fun though we have experienced players that are willing to help with technique.


What It Costs

We have a reduced rate of £13.86 for our regular bowling sessions.

If you are a BLAGSS member, please log in for details and to register your interest in the next session, if required.

If you are not a member, please email bowling@blagss.uk for more information.